A. Pacific Ocean
B. Arctic Ocean
C. South China Sea
D. None of these
Category: General Knowledge MCQs
In General Knowledge MCQs, you will find MCQs of Geography, Everyday Science, International Development, the New Innovations, New world order, and Environment Science that are mostly asked in the FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, BPSC, NTS, OTS and PTS. You will also find MCQs related to International organizations, International governmental affairs, etc. General Knowledge (GK) MCQs are very important for competitive examinations like CSS, PMS, or any Judiciary Exam.
Baffin Island is located in___?
A. Atlantic Ocean
B. Pacific Ocean
C. Indian Ocean
D. Arabian Ocean
The Island of Sakhalin is also called___?
A. Muarafuto
B. Karafuto
C. Big Island
D. None of these
The Island of Cuba is located in___?
A. South China
B. Caribbean Sea
C. Red Sea
D. None of these
Victoria Island is located in___?
A. South Sea
B. North Sea
C. Zimbabwe
D. None of these
The Largest Island in Atlantic Ocean is___?
A. Greenland
B. Great Britain
C. Netherlands
D. None of these
Sumatra Island is located in___?
A. Indian Ocean
B. Arabian Ocean
C. Atlantic Ocean
D. None of these
Java Island is located in which Continent?
A. Indian Ocean
B. Arabian Ocean
C. Atlantic Ocean
D. None of these
Which is Third Largest Island of the World?
A. Sumatra
B. New Guinea
C. Borneo
D. None of these
New Guinea is Located in?
A. Northeast Pacific
B. Southwest Pacific
C. Southeast Pacific
D. None of these