The U.S. Constitution is the backbone of American democracy that governs the nation’s laws and administration. Such knowledge is essential for students, competitive exam aspirants, and those interested in U.S. government processes. Below, I present 20 key MCQs on the U.S. Constitution. These MCQs cover very important topics, such as their formation, amendments, and significance. Explore below the 20 key MCQs about the USA constitution to assess and build your knowledge of the U.S. Constitution.
Category: General Knowledge MCQs
In General Knowledge MCQs, you will find MCQs of Geography, Everyday Science, International Development, the New Innovations, New world order, and Environment Science that are mostly asked in the FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, BPSC, NTS, OTS and PTS. You will also find MCQs related to International organizations, International governmental affairs, etc. General Knowledge (GK) MCQs are very important for competitive examinations like CSS, PMS, or any Judiciary Exam.
Where is the IFAT headquarters located?
A. United States
B. United Kingdom
C. Hage
D. Malta
Which British PM announces the Communal Award in 1932___?
A. Ramsay Macdonald
B. Jhon F. Kennedy
C. Robert Walport
D. Clement Attlee
What is the height of Mutarazi Falls___?
A. 640 m
B. 762 m
C. 550 m
D. 850 m
The Highest sand dunes are found in___?
A. Sahara Desert
B. Gobi Desert
C. Thar Desert
D. Rajistan Desert
Porter is an airline belongs to which country?
A. Canada
B. Netherlands
C. China
D. South Korea
Kyzylkum Desert is present in which country?
A. Russia
B. Uzbekistan
C. China
D. India
Friendship Bridge on Oxus River Connects which two Countries?
A. Russia and Afghanistan
B. Uzbekistan and Afghanistan
C. China and Russia
D. Pakistan and India
When Drake Passage was Discovered?
A. 1570
B. 1578
C. 1500
D. 1650
Who Discovered the Drake Passage?
A. Michael Jordan
B. Francis Drake
C. James Cook
D. None of these