A. 89.50 meters
B. 92.97 meters
C. 91.75 meters
D. 94.20 meters
The distance of Arshad Nadeem’s Olympic record-braking throw at Paris Olympics 2024 was 92.97 meters. On August 9, 2024, Arshad Nadeem becomes the only individual person from Pakistan who have won a gold medal in the Olympic games. Before that Pakistan won gold medals in Olympic games as a team.
On August 7, 2022, Arshad earned a gold medal for Pakistan in the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Despite his injury, Nadeem broke the games record with a throw of 90.18 meters on his fifth attempt. Arshad broke world champion Anderson Peters’ 88.64 meters and became the first South Asian to surpass the 90 m mark.
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