CSS Public Administration MCQs Quiz 16

In this article, you will find CSS Public Administration MCQs Quiz 16. In this quiz 16 of CSS Public Administration MCQs, you’ll find information about the leaders and centralized organizational structure in the study of Public Administration.

These MCQs are related to CSS Public Administration will tell you briefly about some approaches to achieve centralized bureaucracy.

You can also read the Important MCQs of Pak Study.

Let’s have a look at the MCQs of CSS Public Administration.
If you want to read MCQs of LAW and JUDICIARY then visit here.


#1. The process of translating an idea or thought into meaningful symbols, is called?

#2. Ecology of bureaucracy consist of?

#3. If you obey a request of your boss, it is called?

#4. Charismatic leaders have a?

#5. Under the centralized structure of organization, coordination becomes?

#6. Under the centralized structure of organization, coordination becomes?

#7. Budgeting in Pakistan is based on?

#8. Ombudsman is a word for?

#9. Public Personnel management in Pakistan is based on?

#10. In Pakistan Accountability is a process of?

#11. What does MBO mean?

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