CSS Public Administration MCQs Quiz 8

In this article, you will find CSS Public Administration MCQs Quiz 8. In this quiz 8 of CSS Public Administration MCQs, you’ll find information about Communication and its basic concepts in the field of Public Administration.

These CSS Public Administration Quiz 8 will tell you about the Communication and its core concepts famous in the field of Public Administration word wide.

You can also read the Important MCQs of Pak Study.

Let’s have a look at the CSS Public Administration MCQs Quiz 8 about Famous Book:


#1. Communication is a “Blood Stream” of administration organization is said by?

#2. Communication is “the heart of management” is defined by?

#3. Communication is a process through which decisions are transmitted from one member of organization to an other is defined by?

#4. Communication is “that process whereby one person makes his ideas and feelings known to another” is defined by?

#5. The process of exchanging informations, ideas and feelings between two or more individuals or groups, is called?

#6. A Communication refers to such an exchange among peers or people at the same organizational level is called?

#7. The Communication from the superior to subordinates is called?

#8. The Communication from subordinates to superior is called?

#9. The filtering and power grabbing are two obstacles in the Communication which are called?

#10. The providing of wrong information to top management which makes them poorly informed about the activities of organization is called?

#11. When the employees usurp power indirectly by misusing the upward Communication is called?

#12. Communication may be “down the line” or up the line is called?

#13. Communication at the same level is called?

#14. The Communication media is of ___ types?

#15. Which book is written by Guion R. M?

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