List of Top 20 Intelligence Agencies of the World in 2022

Are you wondering what are the top 20 Intelligence Agencies of the World? If yes, then you will find your answer in this article. See, Intelligence Agencies are the most powerful institutions in the world. They mostly operate for the sake of the state’s security and to counter the outer threats. The role of these intelligence agencies has always been unclear due to their secrecy. Almost every country has its own intelligence agency. The main objective of these agencies is to protect the country from inside and outside. So, now in this article, you will learn about the Top 20 Intelligence Agencies of the World in 2022.

How do Intelligence Agencies Work?

Intelligence agencies are considered the main think tank. These intelligence agencies are assigned with the task of gathering intelligence, conducting various forms of surveillance activities, playing a vital role in recommending the government specifically when it comes to national security matters. There are top 20 intelligence agencies in the world that are so vigilant in their work. They work with absolute determination. So here we have collected details to rank the top 20 intelligence agencies in the world in 2022.

1. Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Pakistan

The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is the Top intelligence agency of Pakistan. The role of this agency was very praised by the world leader in bringing peace in Afghanistan and cooperative talks between the USA and the Taliban. The ISI is a premier intelligence agency of Pakistan, operationally responsible for gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information. The ISI is always answerable to the Director-General and the Army Cheif of Pakistan. Under whose leadership it operates. The Primary focus of ISI is to provide intelligence reports to the government of Pakistan. ISI was formed on January 1, 1948.

2. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) United States

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is known informally as the main intelligence Agency that serves the Federal Government of the United States. It is officially tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world. The primary objective of the CIA is the use of human intelligence (HUMINT).

As a principal member of the Federal government of the United States, the CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence and is primarily focused on providing intelligence for the President and Cabinet of the United States. It was established in 1947, making it one of the oldest intelligence agencies in this world.

3. Ministry of State Security (MSS) China

The Ministry of State Security (MSS) is a Chinese civilian intelligence, security, and secret police agency of the People’s Republic of China. MSS is responsible for counter-intelligence, foreign intelligence, and political security inside and outside China. Like other Intelligence services, the MSS works for the better security of the Country.  It has its headquarter in Beijing, China with subordinate branches at all provincial and town levels. The MSS was created in 1983 with the merging of the Central Investigation Department (CID) and the counter-intelligence elements of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS).

4. General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) France

The Directorate-General for Internal Security (DGSI) is basically operating under the French Ministry of Defence and is the French equivalent of the Central Intelligence Agency. It is charged with counter-espionage, counter-terrorism, countering cybercrime, and surveillance of potentially threatening groups, organizations, and social phenomena. It was formed on May 12, 2014.

5. Federal Security Service (FSB) Russia

The Federal Security Service (FSB) is the primary security agency of Russia. It is formed after merging the Soviet Union’s KGB with FSB. The FBS’ basic objectives are within the country and include counter-intelligence, internal and border security. It is also responsible for counter-terrorism, and surveillance as well as investigating some other types of serious crimes and federal law violations.

The FSB headquarters is in Lubyanka Square, Moscow’s center, in the main building of the former KGB. It was formed on April 03, 1995.

6. Foreign Intelligence and Special Operation (MOSSAD) Isreal

The Mossad is also ranked amongst the top intelligence agencies in the world. MOSSAD is the national intelligence agency of Israel. It is one of the three branches of the Israeli Intelligence Community – the other two being Shin Bet and Aman, which handles internal security and military intelligence. It is responsible for providing and collecting intelligence data, covert operations, and counter-terrorism. Its director answers directly and only to the Prime Minister. MOSSAD was formed on December 13, 1949.

7. Security Service (MI) United Kingdom

The Security Service which is also known as MI is the primary intelligence agency of the United Kingdom. This Intelligence agency also refers as MI5 and it is the domestic counter-terrorism agency of the United Kingdom.  MI5 is directed by the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), and the service is bound by the Security Service Act 1989. The service is directed to protect British parliamentary democracy and economic interests, and counter-terrorism and espionage within the United Kingdom (UK). It was formed on October 07, 1909.

8. Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) India

The Research and Analysis Wing is the foreign intelligence agency of the Federal Government of India. Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is commonly the least is also one of the top intelligence agencies in the world. It is the foreign intelligence agency of India which probably has the least noticeable name out of all intelligence agencies in the world. However, RAW is one of the most capable in the world. It was formed on September 21, 1968, with its headquarter in New Delhi, India.

9. Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) Iran

The Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the primary intelligence agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran and a member of the Iran Intelligence Community. It is also known as VAJA and previously as VEVAK or alternatively MOIS. It was formed on August 18, 1983. Its headquarter is in Tehran, Iran.

10. General Intelligence Presidency (GIP) Saudi Arabia

The General  Intelligence Presidency (GIP) is a primary intelligence agency of Saudi Arabia. King Saud bin Abdulaziz was the main person who separated General Intelligence from Mabahith. It was established as an independent security service with the issuing of the Royal Decree 11 in 1957 that ordered the setting up of a special department under the title of Maslahat Al-Istikhbarat Al-Aammah or (General Intelligence Department). During this period two branches of the Presidency were set up locally, the western branch in Jeddah, and the eastern one in Dhahran. It was formed in 1955.

11. Cabinet Intelligence Research Office (CIRO) Japan

The Cabinet Intelligence Research Office is said to be the most influential agency in the world. It is considered to be equal to the American Central Intelligence Agency. However, it is often criticized as being rather ineffectual, spending most of its energy translating foreign publications rather than gathering any substantial intelligence, while being accused of spying on Japanese nationals on domestic soil.

Like most intelligence agencies in Japan, its personnel is usually recruited from other agencies. Around 100 out of 170 CIRO agents are from other agencies/ministries with top positions occupied by career police officers. As of 2019, the CIRO has close contact with the National Security Council (Japan) as a communication channel to the prime minister. The CIRO is headquartered in Chiyoda, Tokyo, in a building called “H20”. It was formed in 1986.

12. National Intelligence Service (NIS) South Korea

The National Intelligence Service (NIS) is a Nigerian government division tasked with overseeing foreign intelligence and counterintelligence operations. The agency was officially established on June 13, 1961, as the Korean Central Intelligence Agency during the rule of President Park Chung-hee’s military Supreme Council for National Reconstruction, which displaced the Second Republic of Korea.

13. State Security Department (SSD) North Korea

The State Security of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the secret police agency of North Korea. It is an autonomous agency of the North Korean government reporting directly to the Supreme Leader. In addition to its internal security duties, it is involved in the operation of North Korea’s concentration camps and various other hidden activities. It’s reputed to be one of the most brutal police forces in the world and has been involved in numerous human rights abuses.

It is one of two agencies that provide security or protection to North Korean officials and VIPs alongside the Supreme Guard Command. It is formed in 1973.

14. National Investigation Department (NID) Nepal

National Investigation Department is the main intelligence agency of Nepal collecting information about the country’s public security, economic crimes, corruption, domestic and cross-border terrorism, money laundering, narcotics, and human trafficking. NID works under the Office of The Prime Minister and Council of Ministers.

NID is the top agency among the other three security-related agencies in Nepal, others being Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, and Nepal Army. Crime Investigation Department, a branch of Nepal police, and Directorate of Military Intelligence (Nepal), a branch of Nepal Army, are not related to NID. This intelligence agency was formed in 1962.

15. State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Indonesia

State Intelligence Agency of Indonesia is the prime intelligence agency. State Intelligence Agency is commonly referring as Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN), is Indonesia’s leading security intelligence agency. Prior to 2001, it was known as Bakin; its name was changed as part of a general restructuring of the agency. It was founded on May 7, 1946. It has its headquarter in Jakarta, Indonesia.

16. National Directorate of Security (NDS) Afghanistan

The National Directorate of Security (NDS) was the national intelligence and security service of Afghanistan. The headquarters of the NDS was in Kabul, and it had field offices and training facilities in all 34 provinces of Afghanistan. The NDS was part of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).

The NDS was mandated to investigate cases and incidents that affect Afghan national security and to fight terrorism. According to the Law on Crimes against Internal and External Security of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, the agency is tasked to investigate cases involving “national treason, espionage, terrorism, sabotage, propaganda against the Government, war propaganda, assisting enemy forces, and organized activity against internal and external security”.

As the primary intelligence organ of Afghanistan, the NDS shared information about regional terrorism and major crimes with the Afghan ministries and provincial governors. Its activities were regulated according to the National Security Law.

On the 26 of October 2021, the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s government issued a statement on Twitter, announcing the establishment of the General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI). It was founded in 2002 and it has its headquarter in Kabul.

17. National Security Council (MGK) Turkey

The National Security Council also referred to as MGK is the principal government agency used by the President of Turkey for consideration of national security, military, and foreign policy matters with senior national security officials, and for coordinating these policies among various government agencies. Like the national security councils of other countries, the MGK develops the national security policy. It was formed on December 11, 1962.

18. Federal Intelligence Service (BND) Germany

Our top 20 intelligence agencies list also includes French Federal Intelligence Service (BND). The Bundesnachrichtendienst or the Federal Intelligence Service is the foreign intelligence agency of Germany. It was formed in 1956 and directly reports to the German Chancellery.

The Federal Intelligence Service (BND) is responsible for being the only overseas intelligence agency in the country. It is responsible for gathering both military and civil intelligence. The BND is tasked with detecting all possible threats to German interests and national security from overseas.
The agency gathers information on terrorism, nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, organized crime, drug and illegal human trafficking, and illegal migration.
This intelligence agency is known for mainly utilizing wiretapping and electronic espionage to collect information, a tactic often scrutinized by the public.

19. General Security Directorate (GSD) Iraq

The General Security Directorate (GSD) was the intelligence agency of Iraq. It was announced by interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi at a press conference in July 2004 in a climate of widespread violence by terrorist groups and the Iraqi insurgency. Although details on its organization were not made clear at the time, the General Security Directorate’s designated mission was to “infiltrate and annihilate Iraq’s tenacious insurgency”. The GSD was eventually replaced by the Iraqi National Intelligence Service. It was formed in January 2004.

20. National Security Intelligence (NSI) Bangladesh

The Directorate General of National Security Intelligence commonly known as the NSI is the principal civilian intelligence agency of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The NSI’s headquarters is in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The NSI is the leading body of the Government of Bangladesh in the field of internal security, counter-terrorism, counterintelligence, and foreign intelligence. It was formed on December 29, 1972.

Key Highlights:

What are the Top 20 Intelligence Agencies in the World?

1. Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Pakistan
2. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the United States
3. Ministry of State Security (MSS) China
4. General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) France
5. Federal Security Service (FSB) Russia
6. Foreign Intelligence and Special Operation (MOSSAD) Isreal
7. Security Service (MI) the United Kingdom
8. Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) India
9. Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) Iran
10. General Intelligence Presidency (GIP) Saudi Arabia
11. Cabinet Intelligence Research Office (CIRO) Japan
12. National Intelligence Service (NIS) South Korea
13. State Security Department (SSD) North Korea
14. National Investigation Department (NID) Nepal
15. State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Indonesia
16. National Directorate of Security (NDS) Afghanistan
17. National Security Council (MGK) Turkey
18. Federal Intelligence Service (BND) Germany
19. General Security Directorate (GSD) Iraq
20. National Security Intelligence (NSI) Bangladesh

So, here are the Top 20 Intelligence Agencies of the World in 2022. If you have any information to share with me kindly share it in the comment section below. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

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  1. That’s so good to have a list like this.

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