MCQs of International Relations (IR) with Answers

Here you will find MCQs of International Relations (IR) with Answers. International Relations is a major topic of Political Science. Recently, International Relations (IR) becomes a separate academic degree. The importance of IR can be judges by its inclusion in Central Superior Services (CSS) examination as a separate and complete subject. When you are preparing for a competitive examination then you have to know the basics as well as the advanced things about the subject. You can enhance your knowledge through MCQs of International Relations (IR). We have collected the most important MCQs of International Relations (IR) with Answers.

MCQs of International Relations (IR)

Following are the MCQs of International Relations:

1. The discipline of Geopolitics was developed by?
A. Karl Haushofer
B. Rudolf Kjellen
C. Ratzel
D. None of these
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2. Karl Haushofer was an army general, geographer, geologist, and historian. Did he belong to?
A. France
B. Germany
D. None of these
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3. Sir Halford Mackinder developed heartland theory in?
A. 1908
B. 1944
C. 1904
D. None of these
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4. Heart Land Theory was developed in 1904 by
A. Karl Haushofer
B. Nicholas J. Spykman
C. Sir Halford Mackinder
D. Karl Marx
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5. Rim Land theory was developed by US geographer
A. Karl Haushofer
B. Nicholas J. Spykman
C. Sir Halford Mackinder
D. Karl Marx
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6. Sea Power theory was developed by?
A. Karl Haushofer
B. Alfred Thayer Mahan
C. Mackinder
D. Thomas Bay
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7. From where the modern state emerged?
B. Europe
C. Asia
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8. French Revolution was occurred in?
A. 1787
B. 1879
C. 1789
D. 1800
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9. Bretton Woods Conference was concluded in?
A. August 1944
B. September 1944
C. July 1944
D. None of these
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10. The book “Politics among Nations” was written by
A. Frederick Hartman
B. Hans Morgenthau
C. K.J. Holstai
D. None of these
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11. Cuban Missile Crisis occurred during
A. 1958
B. 1960
C. 1962
D. 1963
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12. German Reunification occurred in the year?
A. 1991
B. 1994
C. 1990
D. 1975
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13. The treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June
A. 1920
B. 1924
C. 1919
D. 1900
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14. Which was the peace treaty that ended World War 1 was?
A. Peace of Westphalia
B. Treaty of Paris
C. Treaty of Versailles
D. Anglo-Afghan Treaty
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15. On 28 June 1919, the treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany and the
A. Gratian Britain
B. Russia
C. Allies
D. France
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16. “The territory which a state or nation believes is needed for its natural development” defined in
A. Realism
B. Lebensraum
C. Neorealism
D. none of these
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17. Lebensraum is the component of which ideology?
A. Communist Ideology
B. Nazi Ideology
C. Fascist Ideology
D. Socialist Ideology
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18. What is meant by détente?
A. Relaxation of tension
B. Intensification of tension
C. Escalation of tension
D. none of these
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19. Star Wars refers to?
A. Luke Sky Walker
B. Strategic Defense Initiative
C. Space-based nuclear war
D. Strategic destruction initiative
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20. Which theory of international relations accommodates the roles for non-state actors?
A. Realist Theory
B. Neorealism
C. Liberal
D. none of these
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21. Geopolitics is the planning of the security policy of a country in terms of its
A. Geographical factors
B. Political factors
C. Economic factors
D. Cultural factors
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22. Which one of the following is not an example of one of Huntington’s civilizations?
A. The West
B. Islam
C. Hinduism
D. Communism
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23. Realist believe that the main actors in international politics are
A. Nation-States
B. Non-state actors
C. Both
D. none of these
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24. Which theory in International relations is a state-centric theory?
A. Realist theory
B. Liberalism
C. Neorealism
D. none of these
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25. The Human Nature view has been largely rejected and replaced by an approach, called?
A. Liberalism
B. Realism
C. Anarchy
D. none of these
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26. “Absence of government, the state of society where there is no law of supreme power, a state of lawlessness, political confusion” is called?
A. Liberalism
B. Neorealist
C. Anarchy
D. none of these
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27. The economic theories of imperialism have been developed in?
A. Two schools of thoughts
B. three school of thoughts
C. five school of thoughts
D. six school of thoughts
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28. Which one is not included in the economic theories of imperialism
A. The Marxist
B. Neo imperialism
C. The liberal
D. the Devil
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29. Which one is the theory that based on that all phenomena are the reflection of economic forces?
A. Marxist theory
B. Anarchy
C. Liberalism
D. none of these
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30. The modern Marxist believed that imperialism was a policy of
A. Kautsky
B. Hilferding
C. Karl Marx
D. none of these
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31. The world empire, continental empire, and local preponderance are the three objectives of?
A. Imperialism
B. Capitalism
C. Fascism
D. Islamism
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32. The geography, natural resources, military, population, and national character are the dominant elements of?
A. Sovereign state
B. Political Power
C. National Power
D. none of these
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33. The pattern of direct opposition and competition are the two main patterns of
A. Balance of power
B. Political Power
C. National Power
D. none of these
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34. The pattern of direct opposition and competition are the two main patterns of
A. Balance of power
B. Political Power
C. National Power
D. none of these
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35. Which one of the American presidents fooled the policy of détente?
A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Richard Nixon
C. Truman
D. Kennedy
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37. Wilson was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in
A. 1920
B. 1914
C. 1919
D. 1925
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38. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was the result of the United States
A. Détente policy
B. Containment Policy
C. Pre-emption policy
D. Bush Doctrine
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39. The theories of political realism originated through the work of Thomas Hobbes and?
A. Kenneth Waltz
B. Thucydides
C. Nicolo Machiavelli
D. none of these
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40. Who wrote the “The Prince”?
A. Nicolo Machiavelli
B. Thomas Hobbes
C. Karl Marx
D. none of these
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41. Jeremy Bentham was a British philosopher and founder of international relations theory
A. Constructivist theory
B. Utilitarianism
C. Liberalism theory
D. none of these
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42. The term collective security was coined in the
A. 1930s
B. 1940s
C. 1940s
D. none of these
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43. The concept of a peaceful community of nations (collective study) was outlined by Emmanuel Kant in?
A. 1940
B. 1794
C. 1795
D. 1792
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44. Who outlined the idea of a League of Nations?
A. Immanuel Kant
B. David Hume
C. Lord Kelvin
D. none of these
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45. Which one is not included in idealistic theorists?
A. Aristotle
B. Bertrand Russel
C. Woodrow Wilson
D. none of these
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46. Which one is not included in realistic theorists?
A. Karl Marx
B. Hegle
C. Woodrow Wilson
D. none of these
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47. The Russo-Japanese war of 1905 did not authenticate the Mackinder’s hypothesis because of
A. Japan’s most successes were at sea
B. Heartland theory regards land power
C. Both A & B
D. none of these
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48. Which one is not a realistic approach?
A. the international system is anarchic
B. Non-State are important actors
C. All states within the system are unitary, rational actors.
D. The primary concern of all states is survival
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49. The hurdles in the way of collective security are?
A. UNSC veto power of major powers
B. UN policies
C. American Policies
D. None of these
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50. What was the Brezhnev Doctrine?
A. Limited Sovereignty for Eastern Bloc Nations
B. Full sovereignty for soviet bloc nations
C. A way through which eastern bloc nations could facilitate reform
D. None of these
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