MCQs of Local Self Government in Pakistan & India

Here you will find MCQs of Local Self Government in Pakistan & India with Answers. Local Self-governments is a major part of Political Science. Recently, Local Self-governments are not so active but they are an important topic under political science. The importance of Local Self Government in Pakistan is very much. A special subject in the LL.B degree is about local government structure and workflow. When you are preparing for a competitive examination then you have to know the basics as well as the advanced things about the subject. You can enhance your knowledge through MCQs of Local Self Government in Pakistan & India. We have collected the most important MCQs of Local Self Government in Pakistan & India with Answers.

MCQs of Local Self Government with Answers

Find out below the MCQs related to the Local self-government system in the sub-continent, Pakistan, and India.

1. Public Administration which is found at the lowest tier of administration within a given state, is a form of?
A. Provincial government
B. Federal Government
C. Local Government
D. None of these
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2. The first Municipal Corporation was established at Madras in?
A. 1888
B. 1688
C. 1876
D. 1726
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3. Who is the ‘father’ of local self-government in India?
A. Lord Ripon
B. Lord Mayo
C. Hobhouse
D. None of these
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4. Who introduced the election in the Municipal corporation in India?
A. Lord Ripon
B. Lord Mayo
C. Hobhouse
D. None of these
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5. In India, the Directive Principles of State Policy refers to a system, called?
A. Local Government system
B. Panchayat Raj
C. Local Bodies System
D. None of these
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6. The conservancy Act led to the formation of sanitary committees for the garbage disposal to become the first formal measure of a municipal organization that applied in Bengal Presidency in?
A. 1888
B. 1876
C. 1688
D. 1842
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7. Lord Ripon’s Resolution on local self-government was passed in?
A. 1882
B. 1884
C. 1886
D. 1890
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8. Lord Ripon’s resolution proposed the established of?
A. Urban local government
B. Rural Local government
C. Provincial government
D. Federal government
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9. The Royal Commission on Decentralization recommended the appointment of a non-official Chairman of?
A. Town Committees
B. Village Committees
C. Municipal Committees
D. All of the above
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10. The 1935 Government of India Act permitted provinces to frame legislation on?
A. Local government systems
B. provincial autonomy
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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11. British government established Municipal Committees in 1876 under the Municipal Act of?
A. 1881
B. 1904
C. 1915
D. 1919
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12. There are various advantages to local bodies. Which one of the following is not included in the category of advantages?
A. Political Socialization
B. Political Recruitment
C. Development Projects
D. Use of local bodies for politics
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13. The local governments were made responsible to raise funds to meet their expenditures by lord Mayo in?
A. 1881
B. 1870
C. 1904
D. 1915
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14. In British India, the Panchayat had never regarded by the British rulers as?
A. Top Priority
B. Priority
C. Inferiority
D. None of these
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15. The British East India Company abolished the village land record office and created a company official, called?
A. Record Keeper
B. Patwari
C. Munshi
D. None of these
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16. The British East India Company abolished the village police and created the office of?
A. Inspector
B. Patwari
C. Magistrate
D. None of these
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17. Basic Democracy, BD System consisted of five stages. Which one was not part of these stages?
A. Union Council
B. Tehsil Council
C. District Council
D. City Government
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18. General Muhammad Ayyub Khan utilized the Basic Democracy system as an electoral college for?
A. Legitimization his regime
B. Prolong his regime
C. Empowerment to the people
D. All of the above
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19. Under the local government (LG) system, seats for women were reserved
A. 1/3rd
B. 1/4th
C. 2/3rd
D. None of the above
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20. Which one was not part of the District Government under the Local government system?
A. Zila Nazim
B. Zila Naib Nazim
C. District Coordination Officer
D. Deputy Commissioner
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21. The District Government was accountable to the?
A. People
B. Provincial Government
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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22. Z.A. Bhutto government enforced the local bodies ordinance in Pakistan in?
A. 1971
B. 1972
C. 1974
D. None of these
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23. Local Bodies system 1972 firstly introduced the tier of?
A. Village Council
B. Union Council
C. Tehsil Council
D. None of these
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24. General Zia Ul Haq introduced the local government system on the 10th of June
A. 1979
B. 1975
C. 1980
D. 1981
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25. Under the Zia Ul Haq government system, town committees were set up for town having a population of less than
A. 13000
B. 14000
C. 12000
D. 15000
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26. Under the Basic Democracy system, all chairmen of Union Committees were members of the
A. Municipal Committee
B. District Council
C. Union Committees
D. All of the above
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27. Under the Basic Democracy System, the Chairman of the Municipal Committee was?
A. Member Municipal Committee
B. Nominated
C. Elected
D. None of the above
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28. Under the Basic Democracy System, the Chairman of the Municipal Committee was nominated by the
A. Provincial Government
B. Commissioners
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above
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29. In the Basic Democracies system, the district Council consisted of all chairman of?
A. Union Councils
B. Town Committees
C. Union Committees
D. All of the above
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30. In the Basic Democracies System, the District Council’s obligatory functions were
A. 70
B. 30
C. 28
D. 25
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31. The People’s Local Government Ordinance of 1975 was promulgated by Pakistan’s first democratically elected government. How many elections were held under this system?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 8
D. Not a single
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32. Under General Zia’s local bodies system in 1979, there were four levels of municipal government in the urban areas. Which one was not a part of that?
A. Town Committees
B. Municipal Committees
C. City District Government
D. Metropolitan Corporations
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33. Under General Zia’s local bodies system 1979, in the urban areas municipal government have
A. four levels
B. one level
C. two levels
D. three levels
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34. In Basic Democracy System, who chaired the District Council?
A. Deputy Commissioners
B. Elected Chairman of District Council
C. Senior member of the house
D. none of these
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35. The highest tier of Basic Democracy System was?
A. Provincial Assembly
B. Provincial Advisory Council
C. District Council
D. none of these
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36. Under the 1962 Constitution, an electoral college was formed to elect the President. The electoral college was
A. National Assembly
B. Provincial Assemblies
C. Both A & B
D. none of these
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37. The Local Government Ordinance 2001 presented the devolution of government to?
A. Federal Administration
B. Divisional Administration
C. District Administration
D. none of these
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38. In the Local Government System, Districts are the
A. Second tier
B. third tier
C. four-tier
D. tenth tier
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39. Who is the head of the District Administration in the Local Government System?
A. Zila Nazim
C. Zila Naib Nazim
D. All of the above
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40. The term “Local Government” literally means the management of the local affairs by the people of the
A. Region
B. Locality
C. Province
D. All of the above
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41. The term local self-government is a legacy of the?
A. British Rule
B. Mughal Rule
C. Ancient Period
D. None of these
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42. National Reconstruction Bureau (NRB) in Pakistan presented a
A. Devolution Plan 2000
B. Basic Democracy System
C. Local Bodies System 1979
D. None of these
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43. The Indian constitution provides federal structure in?
A. 2 tiers
B. Basic Democracy System
C. Local Bodies System 1979
D. None of these
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