Pak Study MCQs – War of Independence 1857 Test 1. The following are the MCQs related to the War of Independence 1857. This is the first MCQ Test of Pak Study MCQs related to the War of Independence 1857. these are MCQs are War of Independence 1857. If you find any mistake in the right option of any MCQ then kindly inform us by commenting below.
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#1. Indian National Congress was founded in the year?
#2. When Brahma Samaj was founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy?
#3. When Sir Syed Ahmad Khan went to England?
#4. Scientific Society Translated the modern work from?
#5. MAO College was Inaugurated By Lord?
#6. When Arya Smaj was founded at Bombay by Dayanand Sarswati?
#7. The Hindi Urdu controversy started in which year in Banaras?
#8. In which year MAO high school was established in Aligarh?
#9. Who Published the Magazine “Tehzeeb ul Akhlaq”?
#10. Who was founder of Shudhi Movement?
#11. In Which year MAO school upgraded to the status of a college?
#13. Who founded Muhammadan Educational Conference in 1886?
#14. The War of Independence 1857 was started on?
#15. What was the cause of War of Independence 1857?
#16. MAO College became university in the year?
#17. Who Wrote an “Essay on life of Muhammad”?
#18. Who started Scientific Society on July 9, 1864?
#19. Who was appointed First Secretary of Board of Trustee of Ali Garh College?
#20. Indian National Congress was founded on the initiative of?
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