Pak Study Online Quiz 3

In Pak Study Online Quiz 3, you will know about the political movement during that time. The following are the MCQs related to different Pacts, incidents, and political events. In this Pak Study Quiz 3, you will also learn about the establishment of Khilafat Movement, Jallianwala Bagh, and many other incidents. , Attempt this Pak study Online Quiz will give you an understanding about the major and famous events.

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Note: you can read more about Pakistan Study MCQs here.



#1. When Quaid-e-Azam joined All India Muslim League?

#2. Who Order Firing in Jalliawala Bagh?

#3. Incident of Jallianwala Bagh occurred on?

#4. When the first Sessions of All India Muslim League was held at Karachi?

#5. Who was Chairman of first Sessions of All India Muslim League held at Karachi?

#6. Who presided over the Annual Sessions of All India Muslim League in 1916?

#7. When partition of Bengal was annulled?

#8. The chief architect of Lucknow Pact was?

#9. The demand of Separate Electoral was incorporated in?

#10. When was the first meeting of “Khilafat Committee” was held?

#11. Where was the “Round Table Conference” held in 1931?

#12. Who was the Muslim leader who strongly opposed the Non-Cooperation movement?

#13. When Quaid-e-Azam resigned from Congress?

#14. When Gandhi Called off Non-Cooperation Movement?

#15. In which incident 22 Police Men had been shut up in a house and burnt alive?

#16. In 1911 the capital of India is shifted from Calcutta to?

#17. When the “Home Rule League” was established in India?

#18. The Indian Act of 1919 was based on?

#19. Which Act authorized the government of India to imprison a person without trial and conviction?

#20. Jallianwala Bagh incident occurred when people are gathered peacefully in Amritsar against?

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