Pak Study Online Quiz 5

In Pak Study Online Quiz 5, you will know about the Independence, Boundary Commission, Interim government of India, Wavel Plan and the related incidents of Pakistan Freedom Movement from 1957 to 1947. The following 27 Pak Study MCQs are very important to read. These Pak Study MCQ Quiz will enhance your knowledge about various famous incidents of Partition time in the sub-continent. By attempting this Pak study Online Quiz will give you an understanding of the major and famous from 1945 to 1947.

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Note: you can read more about Pakistan Study MCQs here.



#1. “Crisp Mission” came in the year?

#2. Who came to resolve constitutional problem of sub-continent in 1942?

#3. Why Muslim League opposed the “Crisp Mission” Plan?

#4. “Wavel Plan” was opposed by?

#5. “Wavel Plan” was presented in the year?

#6. “Simla Conference” was held on?

#7. When Muslim League joined the Interim government?

#8. What was the role of Liaquat Ali Khan when Muslim League joined the Interim government?

#9. In Elections of 1945-46 how many seats the Bengal Muslim League won?

#10. How many members were nominated by Muslim League for the Interim Government?

#11. Muslim League celebrated “Direct Action Day” on?

#12. When did Muslim League decided to accept Cabinet Mission Plan?

#13. Muslims celebrated “Victory Day” on?

#14. Where the conference of different parties was held to discuss “Wavel Plan”?

#15. In 1946 the “Mission sent by British Government” is called?

#16. “Indian Independence Bill” was moved in the British Parliament in?

#17. When “Cabinet Mission” announced its plan?

#18. Interim Government of India was organized under the Leadership of?

#19. The Cabinet of Interim Government of India took oath on?

#20. The Radcliffe line was drawn in?

#21. Who was the “Chairman of Boundary Commission”?

#22. When the “Last Viceroy of India” was sent to India?

#23. When Quaid-e-Azam was sworn in as Governor General of Pakistan?

#24. Pakistan and Indian form separate States on?

#25. Who took Oath from Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General of Pakistan?

Justice Abdur Rasheed was also the first Cheif Justice of Pakistan. He was also an active participant of Pakistan Independence movement.

#26. Who took “Oath from Liaquat Ali Khan” as first Prime Minister of Pakistan?

Liaquat Ali Khan was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. He had also served as Finance Minister before becoming Prime Minister of Pakistan.

#27. Who was the “First President of Pakistan Muslim League”?

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