Parole/ Probation Officer (BS-16) Paper of 2022

“Parole/ Probation Officer (BS-16)” Paper off 2022. Here you will find the Parole/ Probation Officer (BS-16) past paper 2022 with a complete solution. This past paper is for the post of Parole/ Probation Officer (BS-16) in the Home Department (Punjab Probation and Parole Service). If you are applying for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, and OTS exams, then this paper 2022 for the post of Probation Officer is very useful for you.

So find below the past paper of 2022 for the post of Probation officer in the Home Department.

Parole/ Probation Officer (BS-16) Past Paper

1. Which country has the largest reservation of oil___
B. Russia
C. Venezuela
D. None of these
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2. Russian Revolution occurred in:
A. 1789
B. 1917
C. 1492
D. None of these
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3. One US gallon is equal to how many liters:
A. 1.785
B. 2.785
C. 3.785
D. None of these
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4. UNICEF stand for____
A. United Nations Internal Cultural Educational Foundation
B. United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
C. United Nations International Children Educational Foundation
D. None of these
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5. In the British era which princely state was big according to population size
A. Kashmir
B. Hyderabad
C. Rajasthan
D. None of these
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6. She deprived her husband___ all he had.
A. With
B. To
C. Of
D. None of these
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7. How many default layout pages in MS PowerPoint:
A. 24
B. 25
C. 144
D. None of these
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8. Who wrote the novel Akhir e Shab Ke Humsafar:
A. Jameela Hashmi
B. Begum Akhtar Riaz ud din
C. Quratul ain Haider
D. None of these
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9. جراءت کا اصل نام کیا تھا؟
A. قلندر بخش
B. یحیٰ امان
C. نصیر الدین
D. None of these
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10. The current CEO of Twitter is
A. Parag Agrawal
B. Jack Dorsey
C. Ned Segal
D. None of these
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11. ___ two rings here on my little finger belonged to grandmother.
A. These/my
B. That/mine
C. Those/me
D. None of these
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12. What is “Subway”?
A. A road or path raised above ground level
B. Short passage to any place
C. Underground passage
D. None of these
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13. The first computer mouse was built by:
A. William English
B. Douglas Engelbart
C. Oaniel Coogher
D. None of these (Ahmad Zaheer Babar)
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14. I_____ my homework when my mother came home.
A. had already done
B. have already done
C. already did
D. None of these
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15. Which country is the largest producer of oil?
A. Saudi Arabia
C. Iran
D. None of these
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16. To protect a computer from viruses, you should install ____in your computer.
A. Disk cleanup
B. Backup wizard
C. Antivirus
D. None of these
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17. Electronic crime is a type of which crime:
A. Organized crime
B. Cybercrime
C. White-collar crime
D. None of these (Kashmir issue)
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18. UNICEF was established in which of the following years?
A. 1945
B. 1946
C. 1947
D. None of these
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19. The capital of Punjab is:
A. Lahore
B. Multan
C. Faisalabad
D. None of these
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20. Capital of Belgium is
A. La Paz
B. Ottawa
C. Brussels
D. None of these
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21. In May 2020 which country is not set a growth target:
A. India
B. China
C. Pakistan
D. None of these
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22. Bolshevik revolution took place in:
A. Italy
B. France
C. Russia
D. None of these
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23. In MS Access, which data type is appropriate to store large text and numbers?
A. Text
B. Memo
D. None of these
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24. In MS-Access, a minimum ____ of data types can be assigned to a field.
A. 02
B. 06
C. 10
D. None of these
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25. Diamond is an allotropic form of:
A. Carbon
B. Silicon
C. Germanium
D. None of these
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26. Term and tenure of Senate membership are___ years.
A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
D. None of these
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27. Which singer left music considering it haram?
A. Ali Azmat
B. Junaid Jamshaid
C. Salman Ahmad
D. None of these
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28. Tea: Leaves: Coffee:
A. Plants
B. Seeds
C. Stimulant
D. None of these
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29. Pakistan Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated in which city:
A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Rawalpindi
D. None of these
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30. When Jihad became farz:
A. 01 Hijri
B. 02 Hijri
C. 03 Hijri
D. None of these
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31. Which of the following is a form of Cyber Crime?
A. Software
B. Hacking
C. Hardware
D. None of these
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32. A study of the personality of the offenders in physical terms is called a:
A. Criminal Sociology
B. Penology
C. Criminal Anthropology
D. None of these
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33. The term sociology was coined by
A. Max Weber
B. August Comte
C. Emile Durkheim
D. None of these
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34. Which concept is not used in social work:
A. Analysis
B. Structuring
C. Tabulation
D. None of these
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35. Human trafficking is a form of:
A. Hate crime
B. Organized crime
C. Violent crime
D. None of these
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36. Gemeinschaft term coined by
A. Ferdinand Tonnies
B. Schopenhauer
C. Ernst Mach
D. None of these
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37. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
A. Survey of related literature
B. Identification of problem
C. Searching sources of information to locate problem
D. None of these
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38. Who presented four types of Sociology:
A. Sorokin
B. Spencer
C. Emile
D. None of these
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39. Who put forward Psycho-analytical theory of crime?
A. Sigmund Freud
B. Alfred Adler
C. Karen Horney
D. None of these
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40. Medical social work is related to:
A. Health and care
B. Social and preventive medicine
C. Social group work
D. None of these
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41. Aim of social research is:
A. Theoretical
B. Utilitarian
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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42. Ibn Khaldun presented the idea of sedentary and nomadic through these terms he shows:
A. Symbolic loss
B. Metabolic loss
C. Inevitable loss
D. None of these
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43. A characteristic feature of a rural community is
A. Formal relationship
B. Community sentiment
C. Rational will
D. None of these
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44. The spread of the beliefs and social activities of one culture to different ethnicities, religions, nationalities is known as:
A. Cultural diffusion
B. Cultural lag
C. Cultural diversity
D. None of these
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45. A rural area people took number of years to accept the use of mobile phones, it is
A. Acculturation
B. Cultural lag
C. Cultural inertia
D. None of these
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46. Cultural change process is:
A. Inventions
B. Discoveries
C. Experiment
D. All of these
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47. In order for a variable to be measured, a researcher must provide an?
A. Operational definition
B. Quantitative theorem
C. Hypothesis
D. None of these
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48. Civil welfare rights roots trace back to:
A. Humanity
B. Humanism
C. Religion
D. None of these
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49. If one dependent variable is after independent variable and before dependent variable is called:
A. Dependent variable
B. Intervening variable
C. Extraneous variable
D. None of these
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50. A testable statement is called
A. Observation
B. Hypothesis
C. Experiment
D. None of these
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51. Who defined “sociology as the science of social phenomena subject to natural and invariable laws?”
A. Karl Marz
B. August Comte
C. Max Weber
D. None of these
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52. The reasoning that, uses general principle to predict specific results is called
A. Inductive
B. Deductive
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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53. The reasoning that uses specific observations to construct general principles is
A. Inductive
B. Deductive
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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54. Who first introduced the notion of anomie into sociology?
A. Comte
B. Durkheim
C. Marz
D. None of these
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55. Social welfare administration is one of the
A. Methods in social work
B. Public act
C. Public administration
D. None of these
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56. Counseling is a
A. Direct method
B. Indirect method
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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57. Common place in a village which is used commonly in villages is called:
A. Pasture
B. Charagah
C. Land
D. None of these
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58. If the speed of inventions decreases then culture hang
A. High
B. Abnormal
C. Low
D. All of these
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59 Who created the term Verstehen:
A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Wilhelm Dilthey
D. None of these
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60. An upward shift in social class is called:
A. Upward mobility
B. Social customs
C. Social mobility
D. None of these
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61. Survey is used in which research method:
A. Quantitative
B. Qualitative
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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62. Who wrote the book sociological imagination?
A. Hans Gerth
B. C Wright Mills
C. Talcott Parsons
D. None of these
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63. Social case work involves
A. Social Study
B. Social Diagnosis
C. Social Treatment
D. All of these
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64. Which of the following is considered a white-collar crime?
A. Consumer fraud
B. Income tax evasion
C. Bribery
D. All of these
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65. Differential association theory was developed by sociologist
A. Gunnar Myrdal
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Edwin Sutherland
D. None of these
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66. Which of the following basic needs of human beings are fulfilled by social institutions?
A. Shelter
B. Food
C. Personality development
D. All of these
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67. Which institution fulfills society’s basic needs:
A. Emergence Unit
B. Social Institutions
C. Protective care center
D. None of these
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68. In statistics, bivariate data is data on each variables, where each value of one of the variables is paired with a value of the other variable
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. None of these
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69. Feminist Research aims at:
A. Study of women’s education
B. Addressing women’s issues with women’s perspective
C. Promotion of women research scholars
D. None of these
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70. Darul-UI-Aman is designated for
A. Old age
B. Disabled
C. Women
D. None of these
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71. Research through one person to next and next is called
A. Survey
B. Snowball sampling
C. Clinical trials
D. None of these
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72. Ibn Khaldun gave the concept of:
A. Conflict
B. Structural
C. Functional
D. None of these
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73. Movement of individuals, families, and groups on the basis of hierarchy or stratification is called:
A. Social Stratification
B. Social movement
C. Social mobility
D. None of these (Four years and nine months)
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74. Rural infrastructure made villages
A. Small
B. Lightened
C. Developing
D. None of these
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75. Sociological perspective means
A. Understanding human behavior in the broader context of society
B. Understanding human behavior in a narrower context of society
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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76. Farmers in villages do
A. Plough wings and harvest
B. Watering and crops
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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77. Who wrote the first textbook on rural sociology:
A. John M. Gillette
B. Wallace Olsen
C. Kenneth P. Wilkinson
D. None of these
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78. Farmers link with capitalists through
A. Market
B. Trade
C. Technology
D. None of these
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79. Causes of emergence of rural sociology if farmer production is low he will
A. Survive
B. Produce more
C. Domestic consumption
D. None of these
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80. The farmer’s priority is
A. Subsistence
B. Commercial
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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81. Shifting of labor from rural to urban becomes:
A. Exceeds
B. Scarcity
C. Normal
D. None of these
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82. The village economy is based on:
A. Agriculture
B. Animals
C. Industry
D. None of these
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83. Which is the feature of Rural Society
A. Face to face Interaction
B. High-density population
C. Dynamic Lifestyle
D. None of these
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83. In Villages for health government provides:
A. Dispensaries
B. Primary health unit
C. Rural health center
D. None of these
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85. Rural areas people are usually associated with:
A. Agriculture
B. Industries
C. Professional
D. None of these
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86. Which among the following is an indirect method of social control?
A. Folkways
B. Propaganda
C. Customs
D. None of these
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87. Why studying rural sociology is important;
A. Technology
B. Knowledge
C. Reforms in farm production
D. All of these
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88. Modern agriculture aims:
A. to obtain the highest yields
B. to get the highest economic profit possible
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
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89. ___ is the major feature of rural sociology:
A. Heterogeneity
B. Homogeneity
C. Dynamic
D. None of these
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90. Which among the following is an informal method of social control?
A. Coercion
B. Customs
C. Education
D. None of these
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91. Sociological ____ allows people to see the relationship between their personal experiences and broader social and historical events.
A. Consciousness
B. Imagination
C. Theory
D. None of these
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92. ____ and industrialization led to the emergence of the working class as a large and powerful body, which led to the birth of Marxism and gave people a new perspective and relationship with the society they lived in
A. Urbanization
B. Modernization
C. Westernization
D. None of these
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93. In Capitalism, ____ class possesses only their own labor power, which they must sell in order to survive
A. Bourgeoisie
B. Peasant
C. Proletariat
D. None of these
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94. One person moves from one country to another referred as
A. to improve their living standard
B. Common culture
C. to fulfill basic needs
D. None of these
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95. Pastoral society meads
A. Nomadic group of people who travel with a herd of domesticated animals, which they rely on for food
B. A society is driven by the use of technology and machinery to enable mass production
C. An organization devoted to the study and culture of cultivated plants
D. None of these
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96. A man takes 6 hours 15 minutes in walking a distance and riding back to starting place. He could walk both ways in 7 hours and 45 minutes. The time taken by him to ride back both ways
A. 5 hours
B. 4 hours and 45 mins
C. 4 hours and 30 mins
D. None of these
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97. When people on large scale involve in agriculture by using animal plows it will be a
A. Agricultural Society
B. Horticulture society
C. Industrial society
D. None of these
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98. Some friends meet for tea at some place it is referred as
A. Customs
B. Folkways
C. Culture
D. None of these
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99. If the price of the commodity is increased by 50% by what fraction must its consumption be reduced so as to keep the same expenditure on its consumption?
A. 1/ 2
B. 1/3
C. ¼
D. None of these
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100. Some cultural elements grow fast than the others which in turn lags behind is called
A. Cultural diffusion
B. Cultural lag
C. Cultural diversity
D. None of these
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So, this is the Assistant (BS-16) Past Paper of 2022. Assistant Past Paper 2022 is useful for PPSC, FPSC, Police, Prosecution Department, S&GAD, Planning and Development, and other government departments.

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