Political Science MCQs: Foreign Policy of Major Powers USA, UK and France

The foreign policy of major powers is a very important topic of Political Science. In this article, we will read the most important MCQs about the Foreign Policy of Major Powers USA, UK, and France. Political Science MCQs are given here related to the Foreign Policy of Major Powers USA, UK, and France. Reading these Political Science MCQs is very necessary before appearing in the competitive examination. Find below Political Science MCQs of Foreign Policy of Major Powers USA, UK, and France.

Which of the following constitutes challenges to the US foreign policy In Central America and the Caribbean?
A. Economic stagnation
B. Organized crime in Mexico and Guatemala Rise of
C. Brazilian Power
D. All of Above
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Why has the US adopted a ‘punitive strategy’ in its foreign policy in recent decades?
A. Punitive strategy does not require ‘nation-building’ by the US
B. Punitive strategy worked in the part against Cuba
C. Punitive strategy is purely military in nature
D. Punitive strategy is purely economic in nature
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Why has the level of US overseas aid declined in recent years?
A. Due to public apathy towards foreign affairs
B. Due to Congressional reticence
C. Due to the militarization of US foreign policy
D. All of the above
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What is the likely direction of US foreign policy in the wake of the Iraq war?
A. More cautious
B. More adventurous
C. less emphasis on “democracy” and “freedom”
D. Less focused on terrorism
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Why is US interest, in the Middle East likely to persist?
A. The US public retains an interest in the region
B. The US wants to see a return on the aid it devotes to the region
C. Oil supplies in the region are crucial to world oil prices
D. The US economy is solely dependent on cheap oil from the region
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Why did the George W. Bush administration argue that a Revolution in Military Affairs was required for the US?
A. Because China was leading the way in hi-tech weaponry
B. To meet the challenge of asymmetric threats
C. To supply its anti-terrorist allies
D. To revitalize containment
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Why is the US unlikely to sanction moves towards outright Taiwanese Independence?
A. Due to China’s military growth
B. Due to mutual US-Chinese economic interests
C. Due to the absence of support for such a move in the US
D. Both A and B
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Why do Liberal internationalists argue that international institutions are important to the US grand strategy?
A. They allow the US to withdraw from the international are.
B. They serve American interests
C. The US A incapable of acting alone
D. None of the above

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What is meant by a grand strategy of ‘primacy’?
A. Assurance of US parity with other powers
B. Striving for American dominance in the international system
C. putting America’s interests first
D. Promotion of America as the World’s first democracy

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What reasons were cited for the ‘decline’ of American power at the end of the Cold War?
A. Welfare overspending and inflation
B. Defense overspending and budget deficits
C. Defense under-spending and budget deficits
D. Technological inferiority relative to the Soviet Union r

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What was meant by the term ‘New World Order’?
A. A new democratic internationalism led by the United States
B. A new balance of power between the US and China
C. A new global economic framework
D. A new era of globalization
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What was ‘democratic enlargement’?
A. A proposal for reform of the US system of government
B. A proposal for the extension of democratic rule globally
C. A proposal for the extension of free markets
D. Both b and c
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What was meant by the term ‘Rogue States’?
A. States aligned with the USSR during the Cold War
B. States outside of the ‘family of nations’
C. Communist States
D. The former Soviet states
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Why did Russia oppose proposals for Ukrainian membership in NATO?
A. Because the issue divides the Ukrainian public
B. It would prevent Russian membership of NA10
C. Russia feared the spread of US influence in Eastern Europe
D. It would prevent Polish membership of NATO
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According to Rosenau, which variable(s) should be considered to explain the foreign policy behavior of the United States?
A. The external environment
B. Domestic environment, government, and bureaucracy
C. Individual personality of foreign policy officials such as the US President
D. All of the above

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What, according to Systemic theories, is the primary determinant of a state’s foreign policy?
A. The character of a state’s leader
B. The distribution of pounce in the international system
C. The distribution of power within a state’s governmental system
D. A state’s political ideology

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What are the key elements of the Liberal approach to US foreign policy?

A. Promotion of Democracy, free-trade and International institutions
B. Alliances, diplomacy and protectionism
C. The balance of power, self-sufficiency, and prudence
D. None of the above

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What delves US foreign policy according to the Marxist perspective?
A. Economic protectionism
B. Class consciousness
C. The search for new markets
D. Superstructure
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According to Realists, what accounts for the onset of the Cold War?
A. Ideological differences
B. A power vacuums
C. The threat posed by the Soviet Union
D. Both b and c

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What was the ‘New Populism’?
A. A strand of neo-isolationist sentiment
B. A strand of internationalist sentiment
C. An expression of American Cultural Superiority
D. Increased incorporation of public opinion in foreign policymaking

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What was unique about the NATO intervention in Kosovo?
A. It was the first time the US became involved in the Balkans
B. It was the first time NATO used military force
C. It was the first war won by airpower alone
D. It was the first war to employ ‘smart weapons’
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What is meant by smart power in US foreign policy?
A. Penalizing rogue states through the use of force
B. Combining hard and soft power into a successful strategy
C. Strict reliance upon unilateralism
D. Keeping a low profile through isolationism

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Which of the following doesn’t project American soft power abroad?
A. Scholarships for overseas students to study at US universities
B. Hollywood movies
C. Incirlik airbase in Turkey
D. Voice of America

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Which of the following helps to measure the direct effects of American soft power abroad?
A. Official statistics on student and leadership exchanges
B. Public opinion surveys
C. Content analysis
D. All of the above

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Which of the following reflects problems in wielding soft power in the global information age?
A. Paradox of plenty: a scarcity of attention due to excessive exposure to multiple sources of information
B. Risks of disseminating exaggerated claims which might be dismissed as propaganda
C. Abundance of daily misinterpretations of governmental policies without resorting to censorship
D. All of the above
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What was the goal of containment during the Cold War?

A. Preventing the collapse of the European empires
B. Preventing the spread of Soviet communism
C. Maintaining the integrity of the Soviet Union
D. Pushing back the boundaries of the Soviet bloc o

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Which of these is not a recommendation of the Powell Doctrine on the use of US military force?
A. A clear aim and rules of engagement
B. A clear exit strategy
C. Incremental increase in the level of one used
D. Assurance of public support

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Are Afghanistan and the second Gulf wars generally seen as a political victory for the US
A. yes, Afghanistan and Iraq wars are examples of US political victory.

B. No, the US failed to establish stable regimes in Afghanistan
C. Only Afghanistan war was a political victory
D. Only the Iraq war was a political victory.
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Why is the war in Afghanistan not considered to be a ‘pre-emptive’ war?
A. The war was over in a matter of weeks
B. The war against the Taliban had been planned for some time previous
C. The war against the Taliban was treated as a war of self-defense
D. There were no weapons of mass destruction

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Why did Japan’s ruling elite accept dependence on the US post-1945?
A. It was viewed as a return to the status quo of the pre-World War II era
B. Because of Japan’s colonial experience
C. Dependence was accepted temporarily while Japan sought weapons of mass destruction
D. Dependence was accepted in return for a US security guarantee
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Which of the following is not a frequently cited reason for the rapprochement between the US and Communist China?
A. US admiration for the gains of the Cultural Revolution
B. Shared antipathy towards the Soviet Union
C. A US need for Chinese assistance in its withdrawal from Vietnam
D. A desire to incorporate China into the global economy

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Why is Taiwan a continual source of tensions in US-China relations?
A. Because of Chinese commitment to the one-child policy
B. Because of Chinese commitment to the one-China policy
C. Because of Taiwan’s commitment to the one-China’ policy
D. Because of Taiwan’s promotion of an alternative form of communism
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How did US policy towards North Korea change following the election of George W. Bush?
A. The US took a harder line towards North Korea
B. Efforts at engaging North Kora increased in intensity
C. The supply of aid to North Korea was increased
D. The US abandoned the goal of regime change in North Korea
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Why is a Japan-China conflict in Asia-Pacific unlikely?
A. The two states have close economic links
B. The two states are ideologically aligned
C. The two states have a ‘special relationship’ comparable to that between the US and UK
D. Both states oppose US influence in Asia-Pacific

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What is meant by the concept of blowback.?
A. The idea that the US is now suffering from earlier foreign policy actions in the Middle East
B. The idea that the US could be toppled by a single blow to its financial center
C. The idea that the US should strike back with full force against Al-Qaeda
D. None of the above
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What is the Obama doctrine?
A. A realist doctrine that suggests unilateralism
B. A liberal idealist doctrine in favor of humanitarian interventions
C. A form of realism that is not afraid to assume the burdens of leadership
D. A forte of realism that is not afraid to assume the burdens of leadership, but one with practical limits
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How did the international community react to the attacks of 9/11?

A. It generally rejected the US case for war against the Taliban
B. It generally supported the US case for war against the Taliban
C. All states except for China and Russia supported the US case for war against the Taliban
D. It urged the US to invade Iraq in response
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How did the Reagan administration react to move towards a distinct European defense identity?
A. It reiterated the primacy of NATO
B. It encouraged a distinct European defense identity
C. It withdrew US forces from Europe
D. It cut back on defense spending
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How has the ‘War on Terror’ affected US-EU relations?
A. It has exacerbated divisions between the US and the EU
B. It has stimulated cooperation between the US and the EU
C. It has led to a greater emphasis on bilateral relations between the US and individual European states
D. All of the above
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What did Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld mean by the phrase the new Europe?
A. Turkey
B. The ex-Soviet states of Eastern Europe
C. Post-communist Russia
D. The Middle East

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Peaceful co-existence between the USA and USSR was initiated by

A. Stalin
B. Brezhnev
C. Khruschev
D. None of these

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The cold war between the USA and USSR started in?

A. 1942
B. 1945
C. 1946
D. None of these

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The modern state system is believed to have started with?

A. End of Second World War
B. Versailles Treaty
C. End of Cold War
D. Peace of Westphalia

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Who is called the “intellectual father of the French Revolution”?

A. J.J Rousseau
B. Marx
C. Napoleon
D. None of these

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What strategy did the US adopt towards Iraq in the 1990s?

A. Containment
B. Engagement
C. Rollback
D. None of these

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On which date in 1990 did the reunification of Germany came into effect?

A. 5 May
B. 1 July
C. 13 September
D. 3 October

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Which Soviet republic was the first one to declare itself independent, in March 1990?

A. Lithuania
B. Latvia
C. Estonia
D. Georgia

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Which of these former Warsaw Pact Countries joined NATO in April 1999?

A. Poland
B. Czechoslovakia
C. Lithuania
D. Ukraine

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What was better known as the ‘Maastricht Treaty’?

A. Schengen Agreement
B. Single European Act
C. Treaty on European Union
D. Western European Union
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Northern Cyprus is a disputed area between?

A. Cyprus and the Czech Republic
B. Cyprus and the United Kingdom
C. Cyprus and Greece
D. Cyprus and Turkey
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The Chinese communist party was founded in?

A. 1923
B. 1921
C. 1917
D. None of these
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The Soviet Union was replaced by the Russian federation in?

A. October 1991
B. January 1991
C. December 1991
D. None of these
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International Relations during 1648-1945 were characterized by

A. Bi-Polar System
B. Multi-polar system
C. Uni-polar system
D. None of these
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French revolution occurred in

A. 1787
B. 1789
C. 1790
D. 1680
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The balance of power is based on?

A. Realist Paradigm
B. Liberal Paradigm
C. Marxist Paradigm
D. Post Modernism
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The 1979 Summit meeting which led to peace between Egypt and Israel was held at

A. Camp X-Ray
B. Camp Roger
C. Camp New York
D. Camp David
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The Current row between the US and Iran is about?

A. Iran’s system of Education
B. Iran’s Democracy
C. Iran’s Nuclear Program
D. Iran’s relations with Pakistan
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Angela Merkel was elected as Chancellor of Germany for the ___ time.

A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
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US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2016 is?

A. Daniel F. Feldman
B. John Kerry
C. Joe Biden
D. John Mccain
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