PPSC Lecturer Political Science Past Papers (MCQs)

The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) has announced the seats for Lecturer Political Science. We have arranged Lecturer Political Science Past Papers from the last few years. Here you’ll find the MCQ paper of Political Science Lecturer. You can go through this paper to prepare well for your Lecturer Political Science Examination.

1. The Word “Civics” has the origin of the language?

  1. Greek
  2. French
  3. Latin
  4. English

2. The Basic Subject of Civics is about?

  1. Political Parties
  2. Society
  3. State
  4. Human Being

3. The term “City State” is generally associated with?

  1. Ancient Egypt
  2. Ancient Greece
  3. Ancient China
  4. None of these

4. Relation of Political Science with Economics is?

  1. Minor
  2. None
  3. Very Deep
  4. Causal

5. Behavioural School of though in Political Science is?

  1. Traditional School
  2. Modern School
  3. Legal School
  4. Analytical School

6. The most prominent theorist of the “system approach” is?

  1. Lass Well
  2. David Easton
  3. Laski
  4. Green

7.Which one of following is not an element of state?

  1. Population
  2. Religion
  3. Territory
  4. Sovereignty

8.State according to Hegel is an entity that should have?

  1. Unconstitutional Government
  2. State Power
  3. State Repute
  4. None of these

9.Pro individualist aimed at ________ the sphere of the state activity.

  1. Limiting
  2. Increasing
  3. Balancing
  4. None of these

10. The essential attributes of a state are?

  1. Population, territory, Law, Government
  2. President, Sovereignty, Political Parties
  3. Economics Resources, Population, Government, Sea
  4. Territory, Government, Population, Sovereignty

11. Maintenance of Law and order is?

  1. Essential
  2. Additional
  3. Secondary
  4. Supplementary

12. According to Plato, the population of an ideal state should be?

  1. 5040
  2. 4050
  3. 5400
  4. 4500

13. In the light of the essential attributes of a state, the options below which mention all the independent states?

  1. India, Pakistan, United State, Alaska
  2. Scotland, Russia, United Kingdom, Azad Kashmir
  3. India, South Sudan, Bangladesh, United Kingdom
  4. None of these

14. Who among the following said: “I am the state”?

  1. Hitler
  2. Stalin
  3. Mussolini
  4. Louis XIV of France

15. Secular State is one which is?

  1. Irreligious
  2. Anti-Religious
  3. Pro-religious
  4. Has no religion of its own

16. which theory is correct about the origin of the state?

  1. Divine Theory
  2. Theory of Social Contract
  3. Matriarchal Theory
  4. Evolutionary Theory

17. The concept of “General Will” was presented by?

  1. T.H. Green
  2. Hobbes
  3. Rousseau
  4. Jean Bodin

18. The “General Will” means?

  1. Will of the majority
  2. Unanimous will
  3. Collection of individuals wills
  4. will of the community viewed as a living and rational political organism, will of the people as a whole

19. The main exponents of Social Contract theory are?

  1. Grettle, Gilchrist, Laski
  2. Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau
  3. Hobbes, Locke, Green
  4. Rousseau, Locke, Machiavelli

20. The Modern state is described as?

  1. A Police State
  2. A welfare state
  3. A laissez Faire state
  4. An autocratic state

21. The Term “Law” has been derived from which language?

  1. Ancient Germanic
  2. Arabic
  3. Latin
  4. Greek

22. The Term “liberty” has been drawn from the Latin Term

  1. Libel
  2. Lingua
  3. Labour
  4. Libertatem

23.  Who said Political Liberty without Economic Liberty is a myth.

  1. T.H. Green
  2. J. S. Mill
  3. G.D.H. Cole
  4. H.J. Laki

24. Historical theory of rights holds that:

  1. rights are the creation of god
  2. they are drawn from various historical statues
  3. the crystallization of customs
  4. rights are the result of a contract

25. Which one of the following rights is not a political right?

  1. Right to vote
  2. Right to freedom
  3. Right to hold public office
  4. Right to criticize the government

26. A Duty is:

  1. An obligation
  2. A right
  3. A privilege
  4. A concession

27. There are two pillars of democracy which are liberty and:

  1. Law
  2. Equality
  3. Fraternity
  4. None of these

28. The term sovereignty is derived from the Latin word souverainete which means:

  1. Unitary
  2. Super Human being
  3. Supreme 
  4. None of these

29. “De-jure” Sovereign is:

  1. The king of a country
  2. Parliament of a country
  3. The lawful ruler of a country
  4. The judiciary which interprets laws

30. Democracy is a system of government in which the final power rests with:

  1. The Mob
  2. People
  3. Politician
  4. Civil Servants

31. Direct Democracy is commonly associated with:

  1. Russia
  2. Great Britain
  3. India
  4. Ancient Greece

32. According to Islamic Concept, final sovereignty belongs to:

  1. Allah
  2. People
  3. Parliament
  4. None of these

33. Who defined democracy as “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”?

  1. Woodrow Wilson
  2. Lord Bryce
  3. Abraham Lincoln
  4. Laski

34. The two most important methods of direct democracy are:

  1. Referendum and initiative
  2. Election of Political Parties
  3. Political Parties and Press
  4. Parliament and Press

35. Franchise Means:

  1. Vote
  2. Right to Vote
  3. Vote granted to Women
  4. Right to vote granted to men

36. Electorate means:

  1. the body of voters
  2. elected representatives of people
  3. nominated members of the parliament
  4. candidates who actually contest the election

37. The main justification for introducing the Eighteenth amendment was:

  1. Introduce a transparent mechanism for appointment of judges
  2. Establish a new High Court at Islamabad
  3. Grant maximum legislative and fiscal autonomy to provinces
  4. grant a central role to the Council of Common of interest fro regulating the relations between center and provinces

38. First Systematic classification of governments was given by:

  1. Plato
  2. Aristotle
  3. Machiavelli
  4. Montesquieu

39. The aim of proportional representation in parliamentary democracies is:

  1. protest the interest of the minorities
  2. harm the interest of the majority of people
  3. both the minority and majority parties should be represented
  4. preserve the interests of the majority party by allowing them to gain maximum representation in the legislature through a single voting system

40. Most popular parliamentary-style government is also known as:

  1. Westminster system
  2. Presidential Government
  3. Constitutional Monarchy
  4. The dictatorship of the  Prime Minister

41. The Parliamentary government first developed in:

  1. Ancient Greece
  2. Great Britain
  3. France
  4. Switzerland

42. The Head of the state under a parliamentary government usually enjoys:

  1. Absolute Powers
  2. No Powers
  3. Nominal Powers
  4. Limited Powers

43 The Cabinet under the parliamentary system is accountable to:

  1. The Council of Ministers
  2. Prime Minister
  3. Legislature
  4. President

44. The Speaker in the Parliamentary System is required usually to be:

  1. from the majority of the party
  2. the main opposition party
  3. Neutral
  4. from a third party

45. The Presidential system of government first originated in:

  1. Great Britain
  2. USA
  3. France
  4. Italy

46. The Cardinal principle of Presidential System is that:

  1. Directly elected by the people
  2. must possess a power of veto
  3. executive branches of government should be separate
  4. directly propose to the initial legislation

47. In a Presidential system, the President is usually removed through:

  1. The Supreme Court
  2. The Senate
  3. Loss of majority support in the National Assembly
  4. Impeachment

48. Government are classified as Unitary and federal on the relationship between:

  1. central and state legislatures
  2. center and the states
  3. executive and judiciary
  4. legislature and executive

49. In a unitary system of government:

  1. Center is all-powerful
  2. Center is weaker than the states
  3. Centre and states stand at par
  4. State and center are supreme in their respective spheres

50. A confederation differs from a federation in:

  1. As an alliance between independent and sovereign states
  2. It has a common center
  3. Members cannot withdraw from the confederation
  4. Its Members retain sovereign authority

51. An example of a confederation in modern times is:

  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. OIC
  4. Switzerland

52. Which of the following contributes to the formation of public opinion

  1. Press
  2. Political Parties
  3. Legislature
  4. All of these

53. Pressure Groups are commonly known as:

  1. Interest Groups
  2. Lobbies
  3. Interest Articulation
  4. All of these

54. The Pressure Groups are most active in:

  1. USA
  2. Russia
  3. UK
  4. China

55. Which of the following is the most common technique of Pressure Groups operating system?

  1. Violent Protest
  2. Lobbying
  3. Picketing
  4. Press Advertisement

56. The Statement “Philosophy is for the law-giver what habit is for the masses” was made by:

  1. Rosenthal
  2. Al-Farabi
  3. Ibn-e-Haitham
  4. Jean Bodin

58. The Statement “the only principle by which government can be judged is that of utility” is attributed to:

  1. John Stuart Mill
  2. Jeremy Bentham
  3. Thomas Hill Green
  4. George Wilheim Hegel

59. The doctrine of “Wadhat As-Shahud” was propounded by Shaykh Sirhindi to Counter “Wahat-al-Wujud” which had been advanced by:

  1. Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani
  2. Nizamul-Mulk-Tusi
  3. Al Hassan Ibn Al Haitham
  4. Muhiyuddin Ib Arabi

60. Which of the following Statement regarding Hegelian philosophy is correct?

  1. the course of development and evolution is not in a straight line
  2. Hegelian thought to this day is accepted as the complete philosophy of the universe.
  3. Hegel Considered individuals as the end while the state as the means for an individual’s glorification
  4. Conflict is not inevitable and can be controlled through the preservation of the status quo.

62. The treatise Siyasat Namah was the work of:

  1. Nizam Mul Tusi
  2. Al-Maawardi
  3. Al-Ghazzali
  4. Ibn Khaldun

64. According to Marx the Society broadly consisted of:

  1. Two classes
  2. A number of classes
  3. Only one class
  4. Four Classes

65. The chief advocate of fascism was:

  1. Hitler
  2. Stalin
  3. Mussolini
  4. Nicolae Ceausescu

66. Magna Carta Was Signed in?

  1. 1215
  2. 1066
  3. 1419
  4. 1688

67. An implication of the British legal Maxim “The King can do no wrong” is that:

  1. the King is pious
  2. King publicly acts on the advice of the Ministers
  3. King is law himself
  4. None of these

68. Which statement about the British Constitution is incorrect?

  1. It is unwritten
  2. Mostly bases on conventions
  3. it is parliamentary
  4. it has a federal character

69. The person who is widely acknowledged as the first Prime Minister of Britain was:

  1. Sir Robert Peel
  2. Henry Pelham
  3. Sir Robert Walpole
  4. William Pitt the Elder

70. The basic function of the legislature is:

  1. hold the executive accountable for its actions
  2. pass resolutions
  3. enact laws
  4. pass the budget

71. United States of America Comprises of _____ states and one federal district.

  1. 50
  2. 49
  3. 51
  4. 52

72. Each state is represented in the US Senate by?

  1. 4 Senators
  2. 3 Senators
  3. 2 Senators
  4. 1 Senator

73. The Turkish Government is?

  1. Democratic
  2. Autocratic
  3. Dictatorial
  4. Monarchical

74. The Muslim Philosopher who was deeply inspired by Greek Philosophy was:

  1. Al-Ghazali
  2. Al-Mawardi
  3. Al-Farabi
  4. Ibn Khaldun

75. Under the amended 1973 constitution of Pakistan, legislative powers not specified in the Federal legislative list belong to the:

  1. Provinces
  2. President through the promulgation of an ordinance
  3. Parliament
  4. Council of Common interests

76. Al-Farabi’s Classification of State “The Ideal State” is known as Madina:

  1. Ghasbia
  2. Al-Fazila
  3. Fazlia
  4. Karma

77. The Judicial Commission Created under the 19th Amendment to the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan for nominating candidates for superior judiciary comprises of:

  1. 7 Members
  2. 8 Members
  3. 9 Members
  4. 11 Members

78. The Parliamentary Committee for finally approving the appointment of judges to the superior judiciary under the amended Pakistan Constitution comprises of:

  1. 7 Members
  2. 8 Members
  3. 10 Member
  4. 11 Members

79. Under the amended Pakistan Constitution, in the event of dissolution of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Committee for the appointment of judges:

  1. Only comprises of members from the Senate
  2. Will Cease to Exit
  3. Continue to exist with the same membership as previous until replacement members through new elections are appointed.
  4. Merge with the Judicial Commission and both nomination and appointment powers will rest with the post-merger entity.

80. Under which constitution of Pakistan, Urdu, and Bengali received equal status and English as an Official Language for twenty years:

  1. 1956
  2. 1962
  3. 1973
  4. None of these

81. Who among the following introduced local self-government in India?

  1. Lord Canning
  2. Raja Rammohan Roy
  3. Lord Rippon
  4. Lord Curzon

82. Women have no representation is the National Assembly from:

  1. FATA
  2. Federal Capital
  3. Both of them
  4. None of these

83. The Head of District Government under the local government Ordinance 2001 is known as:

  1. District Coordination Officer
  2. Zila Nazim
  3. District Collector
  4. Zila Khadim

84. Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) comprise:

  1. 6 Tribal agencies and 7 Frontier Regions
  2. 7 Tribal agencies and 9 Frontier REgions
  3. 7 Tribal agencies and 6 Frontier regions
  4. 6 Tribal agencies and 4 frontier regions

85. Switzerland is a:

  1. Confederation
  2. Federation
  3. Unitary State
  4. Monarchy

86. Which of the following is not a correct statement about Tribal Areas:

  1. No Act of Parliament applicable
  2. Before making a law applicable to a tribal area, President has to consult a tribal jirga representing that tribal area
  3. The President of Pakistan can make a law applicable to a tribal area by passing a direction to that effect
  4. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Pakistan or High Courts is generally not applicable to the tribal areas.

87. Who became famous due to his work on comparative politics and political culture?

  1. Gabriel A Almond
  2. Karl Marx
  3. Max Weber
  4. None of these

88. Under the Indian Constitution, all undefined residuary powers have been assigned:

  1. To the Center
  2. States
  3. Concurrently
  4. Through adjudication of the Supreme Court

89. The State Council of the People’s Republic of China performs functions which are mostly similar to those of:

  1. Parliament
  2. Judiciary
  3. Soviet Presidium
  4. British Cabinet

90. Which of the following is the bulkiest constitution?

  1. USA
  2. British
  3. Indian
  4. Chinese

91. France’s current system of government, known as the fifth Republic, is based on a constitution that was adopted in:

  1. 1961
  2. 1958
  3. 1954
  4. 1957

92. The Fifth Republic prescribed a:

  1. Presidential system
  2. A hybrid Presidential and Parliamentary systems
  3. Parliamentary democracy
  4. Bonapartist Monarchy

93. The smallest unit of local government in France is called:

  1. Canton
  2. County
  3. Arrondissement
  4. Commune

94. The Constitution of the Fifth Republic declares France to be:

  1. A protestant Stae
  2. A Secular State
  3. Catholic State
  4. An Atheist State

95. The French President is elected for a term of:

  1. 7 years
  2. 9 years
  3. 5 years
  4. 6 years

96. The three basic principles of anarchism are the abolition of the state, abolition of private property and:

  1. Suppressions of religion
  2. Secularism
  3. Abolition of Public-owned
  4. Abolition of societal classes

97. Which of the following is not a necessary qualification of a state to become a member of the United Nation?

  1. Must be a Sovereign State
  2. A peace-loving state
  3. willing to discharge responsibilities under the UN Charter
  4. Should guarantee human rights and freedom to its citizens

98. The main objective of which of the following UN Agencies is to help the underdeveloped countries to the task of raising their living standards:

  1. IMF (B)
  3. UNDP
  4. IDA

99. A Sub-field of Political Science is:

  1. Business Administration
  2. Statistics
  3. International Relations
  4. Law

100. The Constitution of the United States of America was greatly inspired by the ideas of:

  1. Montesquieu
  2. Rousseau
  3. Hugo
  4. Francis Bacon


So, these are the past paper of Lecturer Political Science. Now if you found any mistake in these MCQs then must comment below with the correct answers. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

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Add a Comment
  1. very good. It is not so much tough.

  2. I found this material so helpful.

  3. Very good work.

  4. Kindly upload more papers.

  5. Switzerland is Confideration
    In these mcqs on of question is wrong stated Switzerland is federation.

    1. No brother Read more about Switzerland you will find it a Federation.

  6. 43- The Cabinet under parliament is accountable to?


    is this answer is confirmed?

  7. the answer of 85 MCQ is a confederation.

  8. yes, my mistake but the state powers are divided between the Confederation, the cantons, and the communes.

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