MCQs of Atomic and Nuclear Physics with Answers

These are the MCQs of Atomic and Nuclear Physics with Answers. MCQs of Atomic and Nuclear Physics is very important for high school. MCQs are given in multiple-choice questions. These type of MCQs are helpful in preparing Physics subject for Grade 9 and Grade 10. In these MCQs, you will learn the most important topics like nuclear physics, nuclear transmutations, half-life measurement, the fission reaction, atomic number, neutron number, atomic mass number, and electron number.

Have a look at the MCQs of Atomic and Nuclear Physics with Answers:

1. Particles of Alpha (α) are helium (He) nucleus with a charge of
(A) e
(B) 3e
(C) 2e
(D) α
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2. Process of two light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus?
(A) nuclear fusion
(B) Nuclear fission
(C) nuclear power
(D) nuclear transmutation
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3. If a C-14 has a half-life of 5730 years, then how long will it take for the number of C-14 in a sample to drop to 1/8 of the initial quantity?
(A) 2.58 × 104 years
(B) 1.72 × 104 years
(C) 1.44 × 104 years
(D) 2.58 × 104 years
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4. Elements which emit natural radioactivity are known as
(A) radioactive elements
(B) nuclear elements
(C) radio elements
(D) active elements
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5. 1 Bq is equal to In SI base units,
(A) 0.01 disintegration per second
(B) 10 disintegration per second
(C) 1 disintegration per second
(D) 1.5 disintegration per second
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6. A helium nucleus comprising of two protons and two neutrons with a charge of 2e is
(A) beta particle
(B) alpha particle
(C) negative particle
(D) gamma particle
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7. Radiations present in the atmosphere due to different radioactive substances are called
(A) environmental radiations
(B) positive radiations
(C) background radiations
(D) cosmic radiations
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8. radiation of Gamma (γ) are fast-moving
(A) electrons
(B) protons
(C) neutrons
(D) photons
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9. what is the range of alpha particles in the air?
(A) several thousand meters
(B) few centimeters
(C) several hundred meters
(D) several meters
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10. Isotopes have a different number of
(A) neutrons
(B) electron
(C) shells
(D) positrons
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11. In the nucleus, the number of protons inside represents
(A) atomic mass
(B) atomic count
(C) atomic number
(D) radioactivity level
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12. The phenomenon by which radiations split matter into negative and positive ions is called
(A) radiation
(B) transmutation
(C) ionization
(D) radioactivity
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13. Beta particles are a stream of high energy
(A) protons
(B) electrons
(C) photons
(D) positrons
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14. atomic number 1 to 82 of Nuclei are
(A) moderately stable
(B) unstable
(C) stable
(D) radioactive
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15. During natural radioactivity, an unstable nucleus disintegrates to become more
(A) unstable
(B) stable
(C) excited
(D) unexcited
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17. Nuclei with atomic number 1 to 82 are most of the
(A) unstable nuclei
(B) stable nuclei
(C) negative nuclei
(D) positive nuclei
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19. The fast-moving light photons are
(A) alpha radiation
(B) beta radiations
(C) no radiations
(D) gamma radiation
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20. In the nucleus the number of protons and neutrons is
(A) atomic mass number (A)
(B) neutron number (N)
(C) atomic number (Z)
(D) electron number (E)
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21.What is the mass of products In fission?
A. more than original nucleus
B. less than original nucleus
C. equal to original nucleus
D. all of above
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22. The radiation which primarily consists of protons, electrons, large nuclei and alpha particles are called
A. environmental radiations
B. background radiations
C. cosmic radiations
D. positive radiation
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23. What is the half-life of Carbon-14?
A. 5730 years
B. 23 years
C. 1000 years
D. 1200 years
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24. What is the name of process in which heavy nucleus splits into two by bombarding a slow-moving neutron is called ?
A. radioactivity
B. nuclear fission
C. nuclear fusion
D. nuclear splitting
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25. What is the name of stream which is high energy electrons
A. alpha radiation
B. no radiations
C. gamma radiation
D. beta radiations
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26. Half-life of Radium-226 is
A. 1620 years
B. 1160 years
C. 1340 years
D. 1580 years
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27. The radiations that can ionize the matter are
A. alpha radiations
B. gamma radiations
C. beta radiations
D. all of above
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28. What is the name of Nuclei which do not emit radiations naturally?
A. stable nuclei
B. unstable nuclei
C. positive nuclei
D. negative nuclei
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29. The matter is built from small particles called
A. radiant
B. isotopes
C. atoms
D. ions
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30. How many types of radiations emitted by the radioactive substance
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 3
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31. The radioactive elements which are artificially produced, known as
A. ions
B. radiant
C. radioisotopes
D. transmutations
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32. The original material is decayed during the second half-life
A. one quarter
B. Three quarter
C. Two quarter
D. all of above
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33. As compared to the masses of original nuclei in nuclear fusion, the final nucleus is always
A. Less
B. more
C. equal
D. zero
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34. The mass of proton and neutron is
A. zero
B. equal
C. unequal
D. undetermined
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35. a small amount is present of radioactive in the atmosphere” ?
A. carbon-11
B. carbon-15
B. carbon-14
D. carbon-16
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36. Radiation that causes sores and redness on the skin is
A. alpha
B. gamma and beta
C. gamma only
D. beta only
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37. The beta particle has a range of In the air
A. several thousand meters
B. few centimeters
C. several hundred meters
D. several meters
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  1. I will see my marit marks in this test

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