MCQs of Political System of the United Kingdom (UK)

Here you’ll find the MCQs related to the political system of the United Kingdom (UK). We have arranged the most important and repeated MCQs in all the competitive examinations. These are the MCQs about the political system of the United Kingdom (UK).

Question & Answers about Political System of the United Kingdom

The following are the important Question & Answers about Political System of the United Kingdom:

1. British constitution was compiled and drafted in?
A. Years
B. Weeks
C. Months
D. Centuries
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2. The British society was adjusting with basic political
A. Relations
B. Norms
C. Families
D. Skills
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3. The conservative temperament of English people played a role in drafting their
A. Banking System
B. Political System
C. Religious System
D. Constitution
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4. Most of the Modern states have
A. Alien Constitution
B. Un-Written Constitution
C. Written Constitution
D. No Constitution
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5. Which country has an unwritten constitution?
B. Germany
C. France
D. Italy
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6. Which types of Constitution France has?
A. Un-Written
B. Alien Constitution
C. Written Constitution
D. None of these
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7. In England, which is the authority to amend the constitution?
A. Government
B. Parliament
C. Supreme Court
D. Prime Minister
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8. The British constitution can be classified into?
A. Five main parts
B. Four main parts
C. Three main parts
D. Two main parts
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9. In the UK, Parliament, Judiciary, and executive contributed to the growth of?
A. Parliament
B. Church
C. Constitution
D. Supreme Court
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10. British Political arrangements established by the “Bill of Rights” in
A. 1689
B. 1879
C. 1789
D. 1989
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11. Magna Carta recognized few rights for the British Constitution in
A. 1218
B. 1217
C. 1215
D. 1216
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12. The validity of the British constitution cannot be challenged in any
A. Court
B. Church
C. Parliament
D. Country
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13. Fundamental rights of the British citizens are part of
A. Special Law
B. Common Law
C. Crown Law
D. Church Law
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14. Conventions of the Constitution are the most important source of the
A. British Constitution
B. Parliament
C. Church
D. Crown
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15. In the UK the rulers do not veto the bills passed by the
A. Court
B. Church
C. Parliament
D. Crown
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16. The King or Queen cannot preside over the meeting of the
A. Parliaments Members
B. Cabinet
C. Church
D. Crown
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17. British Prime Minister and Finance Minister, both are taken from the
A. House of Commons
B. Church
C. Local Bodies
D. Crown
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18. In the UK, the sovereign invites the leader of the majority party, to form
A. Parliament
B. Cabinet
C. Court
D. King/Queen
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19. British Cabinet remains in power with the confidence of the majority from
A. Parliament
B. Cabinet
C. Court
D. King/Queen
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20. The whole British cabinet has to resign in case of veto of no confidence from
A. House of common
B. Cabinet
C. Court
D. local bodies
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21. Parliament meets at least once a year in
A. France
B. Germany
D. France
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22. British parliament is presided over by
A. King/Queen
B. Prime minister
C. Speaker
D. President
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23. When the votes are equally divided in parliament, the only speaker can break the tie in?
A. France
B. the Netherlands
C. Germany
D. the United Kingdom
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24. In the British Parliament, all money bills originated in the
A. Parliament
B. Local Bodies
C. Court
D. Cabinet
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25. The King/Queen is informed about all important decisions by British
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Speaker
D. Chief Justice
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26. Which country’s parliament consists of two-chamber, house of lords and house of commons
A. Germany
B. the Netherlands
C. the United Kingdom
D. Norway
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27. Whose members are directly elected in the UK?
A. House of Lords
B. House of Commons
C. Local Bodies
D. Supreme Court
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28. Whose members are nominated by the Queen in the UK?
A. House of Lords
B. House of Commons
C. Local Bodies
D. Supreme Court
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29. Which forum is more powerful in the UK?
A. House of Lords
B. House of Commons
C. Local Bodies
D. Supreme Court
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30. Which country is a pioneer in introducing the parliamentary system
A. France
B. Germany
C. the United Kingdom
D. The USA
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31. The cabinet works under the leadership of
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Chief Justice
D. Speaker
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32. In a parliamentary system all ministers are accountable to
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Parliament
D. Speaker
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33. All citizens stand equal in the eyes of law in
A. the United Kingdom
B. Russia
C. Saudi Arabia
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34. Which country is taking care of fundamental rights?
A. the United Kingdom
B. Russia
C. Saudi Arabia
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35. Fundamental rights of people can be changed by
A. President
B. Prime Minster
C. Parliament
D. Speaker
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36. The success of democracy in Britain owes a lot to the democratic behavior of the
A. Citizens
B. European Union
C. Neighbors
D. Army
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37. Sometimes British citizens are directly taken into confidence on urgent matters through
A. General Elections
B. By-Elections
C. Referendum
D. Special Elections
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38. The role of King gradually minimized in
A. Russia
B. Saudi Arabia
C. the United Kingdom
D. Germany
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39. In the UK, the whole executive powers are associated with
A. Crown
B. Speaker
C. President
D. Army Chief
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40. The legislative powers of the Crown in the UK are exercised by the
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Parliament
D. Speaker
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41. The Queen/King does not veto the Bills passed by the parliament in
A. Russia
B. the United Kingdom
C. Saudi Arabia
D. the Netherlands
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42. The highest legislative authority in the UK is
A. King
B. President
C. Army Chief
D. Speaker
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43. Kingship is the heritage of the past in
A. Norway
B. Sweden
C. the United Kingdom
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44. The cabinet in the UK is the body that exercises the powers of the
A. Crown
B. President
C. Speaker
D. Army Chief
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45. English people have an emotional attachment with
A. Crown
B. President
C. Speaker
D. Army Chief
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46. In Switzerland, the most superior is
A. President
B. Federal Assembly
C. Supreme Court
D. Army
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47. The Federal Assembly in Switzerland is empowered to
A. Legislation
B. Execution
C. Judiciary
D. Defense
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