A. Sahara Desert
B. Gobi Desert
C. Thar Desert
D. Rajistan Desert
Porter is an airline belongs to which country?
A. Canada
B. Netherlands
C. China
D. South Korea
Kyzylkum Desert is present in which country?
A. Russia
B. Uzbekistan
C. China
D. India
Friendship Bridge on Oxus River Connects which two Countries?
A. Russia and Afghanistan
B. Uzbekistan and Afghanistan
C. China and Russia
D. Pakistan and India
When Drake Passage was Discovered?
A. 1570
B. 1578
C. 1500
D. 1650
Who Discovered the Drake Passage?
A. Michael Jordan
B. Francis Drake
C. James Cook
D. None of these
Rohtas Fort is located in which city?
A. Chakwal
B. Jhelum
C. Lahore
D. Dera Ghazi Khan
How many Senators are represented by each State in USA?
A. 4 Senators
B. 6 Senators
C. 2 Senators
D. 10 Senators
50 Key MCQs about Bangladesh Elections
Bangladesh General Elections will determine the future of the country, and therefore the process behind this event needs to be known. Here are 50 key multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that are designed to enrich your understanding of the process for the Bangladesh General Election.
If you are a student preparing for competitive exams, understanding how democracy functions in Bangladesh is important for everyone. These MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including the election procedure, voter rights, major events, and political parties. Let’s dive into the main MCQs regarding Bangladesh General Elections.
50 Key MCQs on Indian General Elections
Indian General Elections play a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s future, making it crucial to understand the process behind them. So, here are 50 key multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed to increase your knowledge regarding the Indian General Election process.
Whether you are a political enthusiast or a student and preparing for competitive exams, understanding how the world’s largest democracy (India) functions is important for all of you. These MCQs cover a wide spectrum of topics such as the election procedure, rights of voters, major events and political parties. Let’s get into the key MCQs regarding Indian General Elections.