Pak Study MCQs – Educational Movement & Muslim League

Pak Study MCQs – Educational Movement & Muslim League. The following are the MCQs is related to the different education movements during the freedom movement like Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-Islam, Nadva-tul-Ulema. In this Pak Study Quiz, you will also learn about the establishment of the Muslim League, its forefathers and famous people work for this. This Pak study Online Quiz will give you an understanding about Educational Movements role of the Muslim League.

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#1. When Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-Islam was founded?

#2. Who was the first president of Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-Islam?

#3. When Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam was founded?

#4. Mrs. Annie Besant belongs to which country?

#5. Who was the founder of Fraizi Movement?

#6. When Central National Muhammadan Association was founded?

#7. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar was born in?

#8. Central Muhammad Association was founded by?

#9. When Urdu Defence Association was founded?

#10. When Bengal was divided into Two provinces?

#11. Who divided Bengal into Two provinces?

#12. When All India Mulim League was founded?

#13. In which city All India Muslim League was founded?

#14. Who wrote the First Constitution of All India Muslim League?

#15. Who was the First President of All India Muslim League?

#16. Headquarter of All India Muslim League was established at?

#17. Who was the leader of Simla Deputation?

#18. When delegation of Simla Deputation met with Viceroy of Hind?

#19. Nadva-tul-Ulema was founded in the year?

#20. Syed Ameer Ali established Muslim League in the year?

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