Political Science MCQs with Answers about John Stuart Mill

In these Political Science MCQs, you will learn about the Political Views of John Stuart Mill. We have collected these Political Science MCQs about the political thoughts and philosophy of John Stuart Mill. He was a brilliant scholar.

So here are some of the useful Political Science MCQs with Answers about John Stuart Mill.

1. John Stuart Mill lived in which of the following countries?
A. France
B. Germany
C. England
D. Russia
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2. John Stuart Mill wrote during which of the following centuries?
A. 19th century
B. 17th century
C. 14th century
D. 20th century
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3. Mill writes that society can punish people’s behavior when:
A. It contradicts the will of the majority
B. It undermines social cohesion
C. It harms other people
D. All of the above
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4. Mill believes that education should be:
A. Mandated by the state
B. Determined by the wishes of the parent
C. Determined by the wishes of the child
D. Determined by a majority opinion
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5. If James disagrees with Jessica’s private spending habits, Mill would say he should:
A. Try to pass a law banning that behavior
B. Ostracize Jessica from all social functions
C. Try to prevent her from continuing those habits
D. None of the above
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6. Mill tries to justify individual liberty through:
A. Showing that it is socially beneficial
B. Showing that it is required by the social contract
C. Showing that it is commanded by God
D. None of the above
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7. A utilitarian is someone who:
A. Believes that rights are derived from natural law
B. Ignores the consequences of actions in determining their morality
C. Judge’s goodness is based on whether something promotes social good
D. Says that reason compels people to accept certain universal maxims
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8. Liberty is defined by Mill in the first chapter as:
A. Freedom from captivity
B. The power to do whatever one wants
C. A question of whether free will really exist
D. The nature and limits of the authority society can have over the individual
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9. Mill defends freedom of opinion for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
A. The popular opinion could be wrong
B. Both opinions might be partly true
C. Debating one’s opinions is the only way to really understand them
D. Natural law requires that opinions be seen as sacred
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10. Mill’s requirements for the protection of liberty apply to:
A. Children
B. Barbarians
C. Women
D. None of the above
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11. Mill argues that bigamy:
A. Should be outlawed because it is a peculiar social evil
B. Should be outlawed because it will serve as a bad example for others
C. Should be permitted because it is virtuous
D. Should be permitted because it is a private relationship
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12. Mill thinks that actions can be restricted
A. More often than opinions
B. Less often than opinions
C. Under no circumstance
D. Under any circumstance
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13. Mill thinks that the fact that Christians were persecuted when they were in the minority implies that
A. They should persecute others whenever they are in power
B. They should be opposed to persecution in general
C. They should be opposed to persecution only when they are in the minority
D. None of the above
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14. Mill thinks that behavior “harms” others whenever it:
A. Sets a bad example
B. Makes other people upset
C. Violates accepted codes of ethics
D. Betrays an obligation a person had
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15. Mill believes that owning a gambling establishment:
A. Is no different than choosing to gamble, and should, therefore, be allowed
B. Is no different than choosing to gamble, and should, therefore not be allowed
C. Is a different moral question from choosing to gamble
D. None of the above
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16. Mill says people owe society:
A. Not to violate other people’s basic claims on society
B. Not to hurt people
C. To work in defense of society and its members
D. All of the above
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17. Mill believes that Christian morality:
A. Is the complete truth on how to behave
B. Is correct, but not the complete truth
C. Is completely untrue
D. Is partly untrue
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18. Mill rejects the argument that truth may be justly persecuted

A. It is unfair to the martyrs
B. It shows a lack of respect for the truth the martyrs bring
C. The truth might be lost for centuries
D. All of the above
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19. Mill believes that people learn best:
A. By debating with people with different opinions
B. By accepting the beliefs of an authority figure
C. By being taught the reasons why a belief is true
D. By memorizing facts
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20. Mill is writing to an audience that is mainly:
A. Muslim
B. Jewish
C. Christian
D. Hindu
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21. Mill believes that individuality:
A. Is impeded by democratization
B. Undermines social stability
C. Is a threat to social progress
D. Is encouraged by the public
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22. Mill presents China as:
A. A model for England to follow
B. A nation that is stagnating
C. A nation that promotes individuality
D. A nation that respects non-conformity
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23. Mill believes that individuality
A. Undermines the good of society
B. Promotes the good of society at the expense of the good of the individual –
C. Is good for the individual and for society
D. Is bad for the individual and for society
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24. Mill believes that alcohol:
A. Should be banned because it is bad for the individual
B. Should be banned because it sets a bad example for children
C. Should be taxed heavily to discourage its use
D. None of the above
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25. Mill believes that British society:
A. Respects individuality as & good in itself
B. Is in danger of stagnating
C. Generally protects individual liberty
D. All of the above
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26. Mill believes that the worst type of tyranny is:
A. Tyranny of the government
B. Tyranny of the majority
C. Tyranny .of the minority
D. Tyranny of the rich
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27. How does Mill view democracy?
A. Ineffective because minorities are still omitted
B. What more countries need
C. A puppet regime for fascists
D. As the power of the people over themselves
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28. Who was Mill’s self-proclaimed biggest support?
A. The utilitarian James Mill
B. The King of England
C. Jeremy Bentham
D. His wife, Harriet Taylor
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29. Where was Mill from?
A. the United States of America
B. England
C. Germany
D. France
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30. Society can impose its influence on individuals if:
A. Never, no matter what
B. An individual is a risk to others
C. They deem it necessary
D. An individual is putting himself in danger
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31. Who should not be independent of society’s rule?
A. Children and undeveloped minds
B. Minorities
C. Women
D. Everyone
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32. If a person is able to, and does not stop harm from coming to another, is he/she responsible?
A. Yes
B. No
C. To some extent
D. Not in any case
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33. Society, as Mill sees it, encourages:
A. Poverty
B. Conformity
C. Uniqueness
D. Violence
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34. An opinion should be heard if it is:
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Intelligent
D. All of the above
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35. The majority opinion is not necessarily right because:
A. The majority is trying to hurt the minority
B. They have no absolute certainty; they need to listen to others
C. They are of a lower, less intelligent class
D. The majority is always wrong
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36. Looking at past events indicates:
A. Hindsight can show that public opinion is faulty
B. The minority deserves to be silenced
C. Public opinion is always right
D. The government should be the sole decision-making body
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37. Mill believes that an individual’s belief in God:
A. Means he/she is trustworthy
B. Should indicate insincerity
C. Shows moral superiority
D. Is nothing about his/her opinion
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38. To Mill, Marcus Aurelius is an example of:
A. A great man, although a persecutor of Christianity
B. An atheist who was morally lacking
C. A religious zealot who embodied important principles
D. An agnostic priest
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39. The Calvinistic theory, with which Mill disagrees, is:
A. Government is to be trusted
B. All people are created equal
C. Each one is autonomous
D. Whatever is not the duty, is a sin
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40. To Mill, eccentricity breeds:
A. Genius
B. Chaos
C. Idleness
D. Problems
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41. If people are allowed to pursue their strong desires, Mill thinks society as a whole will become:
A. More sinister
B. Happier
C. Greedier
D. Fatigued
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42. To Mill, society, and individuals in the status quo is
A. Better, they don’t have to worry about change
B. Fine, it doesn’t matter because the state will function the same no
C. Dangerous
D. Horrible
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43. Does Mill agree with Locke that entering society is like entering a contract with your fellow citizens?
A. Yes
B. No
C. To some extent
D. Not Mentioned
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44. According to Mill, should a person be coerced into changing his/ her self-regarding actions?
A. Yes, no action is completely self-regarding
B. No, coercion cannot be employed when dealing with self-regarding actions, the only suggestion
C. No, he/she can’t be coerced, they should be forced
D. Yes, a person has to be protected herself
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45. In Million thought, a drunk man should be punished by society if:
A. He’s shirking an essential duty that would help society
B. He’s too drunk to be intelligible
C. He doesn’t have a family
D. He’s in public
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46. If children grow up to be irrational adults, who are chiefly to blame, according to Mill?
A. That irrational person
B. Parents
C. Society
D. Religious leaders
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47. A sin tax, to Mill is a_________:
A. Good idea, it’s taxing what no one uses anyway
B. Bad idea, it’s an instrument of greedy vendors
C. Bad idea, it’s an intolerable infringement on liberty
D. Good idea, it’s the lesser of two evils
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48. The day of the Sabbath should be:
A. Never observed, it’s part of the majority’s tyranny
B. Observed ‘by all, it’s a sacred day for the majority
C. Observed if one wishes, for non-religious people, any day maybe
D. Not taken by those who aren’t Christian
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49. In Mill’s opinion, individual autonomy:
A. Is worthless, that’s what the government is for
B. Is against the instincts of individuals.
C. Should be complete and total regardless of what an Individual chooses to do
D. Is against the instincts of society
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50. Warning others of a person’s propensity to harm others is:
A. Only applicable if the harm is murder
B. A awful thing to do
C. Needless, they’ll find out
D. A duty
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